Saturday 16 March 2013


Returning at 9:30pm after a session down at the climbing wall, and hurting all over (in a good way), I needed something restorative. I reached to the very back of the beer cupboard to find the second-last bottle of something I brewed back in September  It was supposed to be a regular altbier - based on a recipe I fond posted on HomeBrewTalk for Uerige, that reportedly came from the head brewer (the guy on the video from my post a couple of days ago). Anyway - I made a few errors - some Caramunich malt went in, that shouldn't have been there. Too much of the dark malt went in (I was working against the clock). Anyway, what came out was a DARK beer - almost like a London porter, but not quite that dark. There's no normal equivalent to this beer (that I've tried) and it is just silky smooth.Now after 6 months it's reached a silky perfection. It is my ultimate beer. And I only have one, maybe 2 left. Ain't it always the way. Note to self - don't start drinking until its ready. Second note to self: keep better notes of what ACTUALLY went in the brew.

Here, for posterity is roughly what went in to a 5 UK gal batch (that's 6 US gals) (I think!). Note, this was my old inefficient mash method so only 60% efficient...

Caramunich-  500g, (or did I use a darker crystal -m I can't remember!)
Munich malt - 1kg
English lager malt - 4.5kg
Carafa 3 roast malt - 75g - but maybe much more! I reckon the colour is around 80 EBC

Perle: 30g
Tetnang: 15g

I used an English infusion mash at 65c for 1h 30.


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