Thursday 7 March 2013

Support your local beer factory

Speaking of Bristol Beer Factory I found this blog entry about them. >>click here<<. I went to visit their set-up about three years ago and they hadn't quite reached the heady heights of high innovation they have today. They mostly did fairly traditional stuff, but they did let us try a German-style Heffe Weiss, which a German visitor on the same trip was absolutely amazed by, and they were doing their "twelve stouts of Christmas". I think their American assistant brewer has helped push them in some new directions, and some of their American craft movement inspired brews are really good - not because they're copies of the great American craft beers - Stone, Sierra Nevada etc.  but because they seem to bring the best of the US taste and blend it with English-style real ale culture ro make something new and fabulous.

Brew Dog have a newly opened place in Bristol - in Baldwin Street. Walked past it the other day and it looks good - but haven't sampled yet (maybe drop in tomorrow). I'm only familiar with their extreme-end output (their double IPA was just too much for me) so I'd like to see if they're making anything to compare with above mentioned local boys made good...

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